The holidays can appear to be a non-productive time for business owners. Customers and other businesses may take time off to be with family or just close up for the holidays. However, there are some smart ways to still be productive during the holiday season.

Connect With Others 

Take a breath before the holiday season


Make a list of important business contacts that you haven’t spoken with in some time and re-connect. Depending upon time and financial constraints, send them a holiday card or even a festive e-card. You might compose an email and send that. For those with the financial resources to do so, sending a holiday gift basket is also a nice touch.

Reflect On Successes and Failures

During this downtime in business, you may want to reflect on your business successes and failures during the past year. What have you learned from these failures and successes? What are some ways that you can improve your business in 2015? See if you can determine the patterns that led to the failures and successes that you experienced. Then, plan to repeat the successful patterns and avoid the not so successful patterns.

Recruit Members For Your Team      

While people tend to be busy and focused on other pursuits during the holiday season, this is a good time to casually connect with prospective team members. Keep your wits about you at the holiday gatherings and focus on making contact with those who can help you to improve your business in 2015. Make sure to take some time to socialize with those individuals and make mention that you hope to re-connect in the 2015 New Year as well.

By doing these things, you can set the stage for a spectacular and strong business year in 2015.

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IGM Creative Group provides advertising solutions, marketing strategy and web development for Fortune 500, mid-market and small businesses.

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