Our UX research team works hard with our clients to provide a seamless compelling web experience for the Internet user whether it is on a mobile device, tablet or desktop computer. Our fluid methodologies for websites ensures your website has flexible images that are sized in relative units, so as to prevent them from displaying outside their containing element. We offer full support for CSS3 and HTML5, on modern web browsers for responsive web design. This new wave is becoming increasingly essential with the myriad of screen sizes available today.
The purpose of responsive design is to have one site, but with different elements that respond differently when viewed on devices of different sizes, mix this with the growth of smartphones and other mobile devices. More people are using smaller-screen devices to view web pages.
How does it work?
Using fluid grids page elements are sized by proportion, rather than pixels. Using a responsive web design ensures columns, text, images, and other media on the web pages are resized relative to the platform they are viewed on. When creating a responsive web design, the media is sized by the percentage of page space used, not on the actual size of the media itself. For instance, if an image is designated to hold 20% of the page that percentage will stay true to every device it is viewed on. Previously that same image would have a certain pixel size and depending on the device it was viewed on may take up more of the screen from one device compared to another.
Why is it important?
Responsive design gives the visitor the ability to view your website from any device, anywhere, at anytime all the while having the same experience. This keeps the visitor returning to the website to consume content, purchase products, and check for updates regularly. Responsive web design is emerging as the status quo for web design because of the demand to stay in contact with visitors no matter where they are or how they are viewing the web pages.
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About IGM Creative Group
IGM Creative Group provides advertising solutions, marketing strategy and web development for Fortune 500, mid-market and small businesses.
166 Main Street, Suite 202, Lincoln Park, NJ, 07035.
Contact by phone at 973.709.1126
Send an email to creativeteam@igmcreativegroup.com
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