
Building Emotional Connections with Our Audience Through Robotics

Artificial intelligence (“AI”), that convincingly mimics the behavior of humans, may seem like advanced technology from the distant future, but current AI is already a powerful influence on marketing communications and product design. The ultimate marketing goal for front-facing departments within a wide range of companies, albeit retail stores to reception desks, is to offer consumers personalized interactions that create lasting relationships, which generate continual sales and sustained loyalty. With AI, these relationships are no longer relegated to human interactions alone. I believe that artificial intelligence, augmenting the human efforts, shows enormous potential for brands.

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3 Ways Digital Signage Can Invigorate Your Conference Experience

Conferences have moved into the digital age inspiring new, more engaging ways to deliver presentations. Digital interactive signage is perhaps the most exciting venture in augmenting your delivery with 3D models, real-time updates and much more. Here three imperative reasons why you must consider implementing digital interactive signage at your next conference.

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Technology is making home and offices smart

Advanced technology is enabling home and offices become more automated. In other words, they’re becoming smart, since installed devices can now be operated via smartphones. Smart homes and offices, can learn the habits and preferences of owners. This in turn requires little or no effort on the part of owners to manage their properties.

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healthcare-industry, innovative technology

Top 4 technology trends shaping the healthcare industry

Innovative technology is enabling healthcare professionals to organize data and resources more effectively. Interpreting, storing and analyzing data related to patients and hospital management has become more important than ever. Taking calculated decisions based on such strategic information is helping the healthcare industry become more lean, competent and competitive. It’s further allowing stakeholders to personalize care while reducing costs and scaling operations. Here are the top four technologies being used by the healthcare industry:

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How are robotics and AI changing the travel industry?

Since the dawn of time, tasks done by bare human hands have been replaced. First, it was with tools, then machines and now with robots. The technological advancements within the industry are favored by decision makers and consumers alike. The demand for robots is on the rise on both the manufacturing front as well as customer interaction. The dual adoption of robotics within the travel industry across the globe is unleashing endless opportunities for growth, creativity and lasting customer relationships.

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Influencer Mrketing

How are brands using ‘Influencer Marketing’ to communicate with an audience?

Social media is enabling audiences to communicate with each other as well as with experts and celebrities who endorse and promote products. More and more consumers are asking friends and acquaintances for product recommendations prior to any online research. This increasing popularity of sourcing information from other people versus company channels is changing traditional marketing communication methods.

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Online- Hotel- Booking- Payment, Hotel, Interactive Marketing, Wayfinding

How is technology shaping customer experience at hotels and resorts?

The hospitality industry aims to guarantee customers a unique experience around the world. Each customer has certain expectations that hotels and resorts try to fulfill. As a tourist, one wants to relax and be entertained and therefore is willing to spend money and take time off from work. However, this industry is realizing that with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), they no longer need to manage customer expectations because technology means anything is possible. Given time and resources, hospitality industry leaders can make anything happen.

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Why is content and marketing strategy important?

Content is anything and everything an organization stands for. It defines one’s products and services and how they will be marketed. Content renders to be the most important asset. If understood, identified, documented, and distributed effectively it drives revenue, lower costs, and better targets customers. Having described what content is, isn’t enough on its own. As an entrepreneur, one needs to clearly identify why and how it's being posted.

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retail-technology, Hotel, Interactive Marketing, Wayfinding

How technology is shaping the retail landscape

Technological advancements are reshaping retail marketing. Consumers want to minimize time spent on purchase decisions. Whereas, retailers are interested in cutting supply chain costs. Retail trends reveal that customers want to make personalized, informed decisions. This has led to the development and adoption of various technologies to make the customer experience more unique than ever.

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How can nonprofit organizations use technology to better accomplish their goals

Nonprofit organizations serve members of the community with money and time donated by individuals, corporations, and governments. Nonprofit organizations like other organizations are using information technology to better achieve their goals. Technology continues to enable process improvements, drive efficiency, increase profit margins, as well as cost savings. More importantly, it allows delivering services to more people in the community - faster.

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hand reaching images streaming from the deep

Technology Trends Shaping the Future of our Conference Events.

In today’s conference planning the paper-based system has morphed to a more sophisticated level that broadband our audience with a complete competitive digital means of delivery. Our advances today have lead to large improvements in conference management. These advances have streamlined and consolidated our meeting systems.

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Students in the library

Millennials prefer augmenting technical skills by taking online courses

The Millennial generation is one of the most computer literate generations to enter the workforce. They have access to Internet as well as gadgets that enable them to learn at their own time and place. Additionally the challenges of traditional education methodology seem to have pushed the youth to search for alternatives. In order to avoid higher tuition costs, lack of course options and budget cuts, students are pursing entire degrees online and some are taking at least one online course specific to their technical needs.

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